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We are a digital arts and cultural heritage organization with an emphasis on Asian cultures specializing in:

  • film (dance, documentary and historical)
  • multimedia (digital humanities, artistic virtual reality, educational/historical content)
  • interdisciplinary art projects (creative and performing)
  • independent research, education and consulting services related to all of the above


We produce independent projects for not-for-profit purposes and can be hired as consultants for external projects. We also act as a logistics manager for independent artists.
At this time we are currently undergoing a re-evaluation of our legal status and mission.
Philosophically we are advocates for gender equality, ethnic minority and immigrant rights, higher education and international collaboration.
Contact us at


Leonardo21 was founded with the intent of facilitating creative research. The core members volunteer their time for free while ensuring that collaborators receive fair recognition and compensation. Although we are not registered as a not-for-profit organisation, we generally operate as if we are one.

Core Members

Lawrence L.C. Zhang, Director
Lawrence is an Assistant Professor for the Division of Humanities at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and is a renowned expert on tea history.

Loretta E. Kim, Author and Filmmaker

Loretta is an Assistant Professor and Programme Director for China Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Hong Kong with expertise in digital humanities and innovative pedagogy.

Eugenia S. Kim, Interdisciplinary Artist
Eugenia is a Lecturer of Performing Arts Research at the Hong Kong Academy of the Performing Arts. She combines dance, film, and multimedia to produce works that sit at the crossroads of digital arts and humanities.

*NEW* Zelia ZZ Tan, Artist-in-Residence, Q1 2021

Zelia is a professional dancer with the City Contemporary Dance Company and independent choreographer/dance filmmaker. She is our first AiR for an unorthodox interpretation of the traditional "artist's residency" model. More information to come regarding the residency and her project. For her official bio, please click here.


We have produced or are currently producing:


  • entwined: a digital dance film project that is a derivative work from feng:huang. Chosen as a finalist for the OCRAM Soul Place Project.

  • Discussions on Practice-based Research in the Arts: series of free webinars for practice-based researchers in the arts organized by Park Jiyun and co-presented with MetaObjects and Artengine.

  • Bukuri Yongson: a multi-lingual illustrated children's book about the origins of the Manchus

  • Oncheon: a virtual reality and motion capture project started in 2019 that is bringing together artists and organisations from Australia, China, Cypress, Hong Kong, Israel, Poland, South Korea, United Kingdom and the United States. First paper on the project was presented at EVA London 2020.

  • feng:huang: a digital dance film project using artists based in the Greater Bay Area but originally from China, Japan, Poland and the United States.

  • The Intersection of Digital Humanities and Artistic Augmented/Virtual Reality Research in Hong Kong: a book chapter in "Digital Humanities and Scholarly Research Trends in the Asia-Pacific" on the history of artistic AR/VR for the digital humanities in Hong Kong.


20th Floor, Central Tower,

28 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
香港中環皇后大道中28 號中匯大廈20 樓

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